Sunken kerbs and no drainage for surface water run-off.
Reported via desktop in the Standing water on the highway category anonymously at 10:38, Sun 1 December 2024
Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14161579.
When we have a period of rain a pool of rainwater builds up at the entrance to no.7 Whitefriars and then floods onto the driveway and flows towards the building foundations. This has caused the driveway to crack and block paving to sink. The problem is the road kerbs have sunk allowing the water to flow over the footpath and onto the driveway. The kerbs need to be raised and maybe an additional gulley installed. Apart from the damage caused to the driveway it is a hazard when the water freezes on the footpath which is used frequently by the public, also the tarmac on the footpath needs resurfacing as it is degrading. Thank you
Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.
Posted by Shropshire Council at 10:38, Sun 1 December 2024
Customer called for an update , When it rains it goes Straight down the gentleman drive way. Was fixed last year but hasn't resolved the problem .
Posted by Shropshire Council at 09:34, Thursday 9 January 2025
Please could this case be checked urgently, as originally reported in early December '24, and expedite action.
Posted anonymously at 11:03, Monday 3 February 2025
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