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Reported via mobile in the Flood water that has run off Land category anonymously at 10:18, Wednesday 2 October 2024

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14156524.

This is now a persistent problem since the new developments. They have banked up the path causing it regularly to flood . People are unable to pass as this is fairly deep and muddy. This is the path children use to access our secondary school Sir John Talbot's. This has not been a problem in the 30 years I have lived here . It's due to housing development. This is the second time I have reported . People are getting around by climbing a steep verge someone will get injured by slipping .

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  • Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 10:18, Wednesday 2 October 2024

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