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Pigeon and litter waste

Reported via mobile in the Detritus category anonymously at 20:06, Sunday

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14156249.

There is a massive amount of long standing litter, leaves and pigeon waste under the railway bridge at the bottom of Chester Street.

This has been present for months and is completely unacceptable. It is unhygienic for pedestrians using the footway, horrible for car users waiting under the bridge. This is a health hazard for anybody using this area.

As a matter of urgency please can you jet wash and remove this disgusting detritus.

It is a terrible advert for the main gateway to the loop of our town and completely unacceptable to the health of the contractor's presently trying to improve the area with slab work.

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  • Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 20:06, Sunday

  • We have looked into the issue you reported. The work required will be undertaken as part of routine maintenance. Our priority is to be effective at responding to the most serious problems so at this time we are unable to provide an exact timescale. This report will now be closed.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 16:25, Monday

  • Dear Sir/Madam, It is not acceptable just to dismiss this matter and say that you will clear this mess as part of "routine maintenance". The facts are that the Council hasn't done the necessary routine maintenance for months and so this unacceptable situation has resulted. (Please see the photo).

    As a paying customer of your organisation this dirty unhygienic mess is unacceptable and frankly an embarrassment to the town.

    You cannot ignore it any longer as you have done for months. It is a health hazard and a serious issue. Please clean it thoroughly this week. Enough is enough. Please reply promptly to my message regarding this urgent matter which is not "closed".

    Kind Regards Neil Alexander

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 18:35, Monday

  • State changed to: Closed

    Updated by Shropshire Council at 08:51, Tuesday

  • Good morning,

    This is a serious problem that needs dealing with now. This unhygienic mess us unacceptable in 2024 and you are ignoring it and have done for months.

    Please clean it up now and please send a written reply to my customer enquiry. Kind regards Neil Alexander

    State changed to: Open

    Posted by Neil Alexander at 09:17, Tuesday

  • State changed to: Closed

    Updated by Shropshire Council at 09:33, Tuesday

  • Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please can I have a written reply as to "when and what you are going to do to resolve this customer complaint?"

    It is not acceptable to shut out paying customers with "matter closed ". This is a horrible and rude way to treat a customer with a genuine complaint about a serious matter. Are you happy with the disgusting mess under the Chester Street railway bridge?

    As a customer I will not be treated in this appalling manner so please can I have a proper detailed reply and no more "status closed " please.

    I am not waiting for weeks or months for SC to do this urgent cleaning work. You have ignored it for too long.

    Kind Regards Neil Alexander

    State changed to: Open

    Posted by Neil Alexander at 11:00, Tuesday

  • State changed to: Closed

    Updated by Shropshire Council at 15:43, Tuesday

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