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Dangerous Driving along Merrywell Lane

Reported via mobile in the Other Highways issue category anonymously at 16:49, Wednesday 11 September 2024

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14155040.

Merrywell Lane (as it is known locally) is used as a ran run and I am very concerned for our safety both when driving and riding the horses to the nearest bridle way/quieter lane. The lane needs more signage along it. I think it would benefit from having speed monitoring as we have had a number of near misses trying to turn out of a private driveway (many people do not realise there is a driveway to pull out of). The road narrows and has very poor visibility, this causes people to rush to get to the nearest 'wide' point to avoid meeting a lorry etc. I feel genuine concern about pulling out of our driveway especially as visibility is so poor in both directions, but especially from the right as cars are 'hidden' in the passing place on the lane. I do feel that having the lane properly named and having 'Merrywell Lane' signs could help people treat it less like a rat run but that could just be wishful thinking and my main concern is the speed. The best solution would be to properly widen the lane in its entirety and reduce the speed limit to 40 mph so that two lorries can safely pass each other.

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    Posted by Shropshire Council at 16:49, Wednesday 11 September 2024

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