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Parked cars blocking access to Northgate Mews

Reported via desktop in the Vehicular Access category anonymously at 12:16, Wednesday 21 February 2024

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14138252.

This has only become a problem since the bus stop lines were recently removed. People now freely park on Northgate between the Northgate and 21 Northgate including across the access to Northgate Mews (see photo). Residents of Northgate Mews, including myself, would like the double yellow lines extended form the Northgate (see photo) across the access to the passage way to Northgate Mews. Residents constantly use the passage way for loading and unloading, including visiting tradespeople, as well as occasional overnight parking. I would also suggest that parking so close to the archway of the Northgate is dangerous, creating an obstacle for both vehicles and pedestrians. Furthermore, it might be a good idea to apply the same parking restrictions to this side of Northgate as they apply to the other side as this would aid deliveries for the businesses as well as help the refuse collectors.

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  • Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 12:16, Wednesday 21 February 2024

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