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Flooding across road and down the road for a good 200yards outside Criftin Farm

Reported via mobile in the Standing water on the highway category anonymously at 09:39, Fri 3 November 2023

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14126683.

Every time it rains the drains further up the lane towards Wentnor fill up meaning all the water keeps coming down to the lowest point which is outside Criftin Farm. The drain here on the North West side of the road is too narrow to take all this water and always gets blocked. The photos attached are 1 day after the rain stopped and the water still hasn't drained away. After the last big rain in Storm Babet the water had not drained away a week later.

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  • Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 09:39, Fri 3 November 2023

  • We have looked into this issue and can advise that the work required will be completed in our programme of upcoming maintenance.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 12:24, Fri 24 November 2023

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