Badly relaid cobbles in Cartway
Reported via desktop in the Carriageway surface problem category anonymously at 19:31, Mon 2 October 2023
Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14123732.
I have received a report that the above isnt the Council’s problem and ‘if possible’ the Council will contact Severn Trent to fix the problem. May I remind you that Cartway is a public highway and ultimately the responsibility is the Council’s even if action has to be taken to enforce action by ST.
Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.
Posted by Shropshire Council at 19:31, Mon 2 October 2023
State changed to: Internal referral
Updated by Shropshire Council at 11:21, Tue 3 October 2023
Today I note some cobbles have been relaid around the water stop cocks. Tarmac has been used. However others havent been touched and are sinking. They are a trip hazard and could sink further. Not a good job.
Posted anonymously at 20:59, Thu 16 November 2023
Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.
State changed to: Open
Posted by Shropshire Council at 16:16, Tue 5 December 2023
Severn Trent are ‘ first responsible’ for badly relaid cobbles in Cartway and will be working in West Castle St on 14/1. Could they not be formally requested to return to Cartway after they have finished in the latter? Conservation Areas surely have some priority? Peter R.
Posted anonymously at 10:22, Sat 6 January 2024
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