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Delivery drivers parking on the cycle lane

Reported via desktop in the Other Highways issue category anonymously at 20:14, Mon 8 August 2022

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 14094359.

For some time food delivery drivers have taken to parking on the cycle lane outside the takeaway food shop. Clearly this is not what it is intended for and forces cyclists to either use the road or pavement thus risking collisions with pedestrians or customers or drivers leaving the shop. I notice that an additional sign as been added which has made no difference whatsoever. No point speaking to the shop as I have done so many times I have had a number of near misses with drivers leaving or getting into their vehicles. This needs addressing please either by use of cameras to issue parking fines or a re-design of the kerb to make access by car impossible. Obviously I am no highways engineer but it seems ridiculous to have this grand plan for an Amsterdam type community if cycle paths are to used as car parks. Look forward to hearing from you, also who shall I send any further evidence of infringement to please?

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  • Thank you for contacting us. This note is to confirm that we have received your report and we'll be in touch with an update as soon as possible.

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 20:14, Mon 8 August 2022

  • This note is to advise that the issue you have reported is being investigated by council officers in the local area. We'll provide further information once we have an update.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 09:36, Tue 9 August 2022

  • Despite this being reported in August 2022 and it apparently being looked into, there continues to be significant obstruction on the cycle path and walkway caused by this business. Bikes are having to veer onto the walkway or the road to continue on their journey and pedestrians are hindered either by bottle necking to get past the vehicles or by cyclists.

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 12:51, Mon 6 February 2023

  • Job has been rasied 1729405 to install extra bollards planed for spring 23

    Posted anonymously at 10:43, Tue 21 February 2023

  • We have looked into this issue and can advise that the work required will be completed in our programme of upcoming maintenance.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 10:45, Tue 21 February 2023

  • We're pleased to advise you that this work has now been completed.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 12:22, Tue 19 December 2023

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