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Van parks on pavement at top of cul de sac

Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 16:45, Sat 6 November 2021

Sent to Shropshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3108161.

The van continues to park half on a pavement on right as you turn into cul de sac, it makes it difficult for people to come in and out of the cul de sac, and due to age of people causes access issues. Blocks pavement for wheelchair use. Owner does not live in cul de sac, family around the corner with long driveway. Other persons have tried parking near top of road to stop this but then the van parks on corner. It blocks peoples view entering and leaving parks late evening to morning and at weekends.

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  • We understand this issue has been resolved so this enquiry will now be closed.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Shropshire Council at 11:25, Mon 9 December 2024

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